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Nishnawbe-Aski Police Services (Matachewan First Nation)
Contact Info
Matachewan First Nation
- 705-565-2321
Community Health Centre
130 Wilson Ave, Timmins ON P4N 2S9
Telephone: 705-264-2200
Our team of Primary Care Providers, Physicians and Nurse Practitioners, provide medical care to individuals of...
Our Diabetes Education Program team is comprised of a Dietitian and Diabetes Nurse Educator, who provide indiv...
Through our culture and traditional healing methods, Traditional Healers, Elders and Medicine People help indi...
The Healthy Kids Community Challenge is all about helping Ontario kids make healthy choices!
Our Child and Youth Program, the only program that is mandated to provide services in both official languages,...
Misiway’s Health Promotion program promotes health from an Indigenous lens, meaning that health encompasses a ...
This is the Abovecontent position.
Becoming a Patient in our Primary Care Clinic requires you to register for a Primary Care Provider (Physician or Nurse Practitioner) with Health Care Connect Ontario. Health Care Connect is a provincial program which helps Ontarians who are without a Physician or Nurse Practitioner to find one.
You can register with Health Care Connect on-line at www.ontario/healthcareconnect or by telephone at 1-800-445-1822. Applications are then forwarded to a Physician or Nurse Practitioner who is accepting new patients at Misiway Milopemahtesewin Community Health Centre.
Once a patient application for a primary care provider has been accepted, our staff will contact the applicant to request completion of the New Patient Intake Questionnaire. An appointment with our Clinic Nurse will be scheduled to review the package with you. Pertinent information will be provided by the Clinic Nurse and an appointment will then be scheduled with your new Primary Care Provider.
Survey results will be reviewed three times per year and a communique will be posted in our “News” tab on our front page including what you told us and what we plan to do with the feedback you have shared.
We aim to minimize the use of narcotics in the management of chronic pain and believe there are a number of options that can be used. Medication for pain is prescribed based on clinical findings. Our health care providers are not obligated to prescribe medications that you may request. Management can include therapies such as physiotherapy, relaxation therapy, water therapy, massage therapy, Tai Chi, Yoga etc
Community members are invited to become a member of the Misiway Milopemahtesewin Corporation. Membership is open to individuals who are 18 years of age or older, have demonstrated a personal or professional interest in supporting the goals and objectives of the Corporation, live, work or attend school in the City of Timmins or our catchment area and pay a nominal membership fee. Applications are available under our “Corporation” menu or at reception in our Primary Care Clinic.
Misiway Milopemahtesewin CHC
130 Wilson Ave,
Timmins ON
P4N 2S9
Telephone: 705-264-2200
Clinic Fax: (705) 267-5688
Admin Fax: (705) 264-2243
Misiway CHC property
2100 Airport Road
Timmins, ON
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
We are closed daily from 12 noon to 1 pm for lunch