Our Child and Youth Program, the only program that is mandated to provide services in both official languages, focuses on Mental Health and Addictions Counselling.
Services include one-on-one counselling to individuals under the age of 19. This program uses a traditional approach including land-based activities to strengthen self-esteem and coping mechanisms. The team is comprised of three Child Mental Health/Addictions Counsellors (one of whom is a Program Coordinator) and a Crisis Team Coordinator who assists with urgent situations.
Care plans include suicide prevention, anger management, behavioural modification and family counselling. Team members also work in collaboration with Child Psychiatrists from Sick Kid’s Hospital in Toronto.
Sessions are conducted primarily in the schools. Day camps, focused on land-based activities, are scheduled in winter and summer. Team members are also active participants in school-supported POW WOW activities.
Referrals can be made by parents, legal guardians, teachers, service providers and children over the age of 12. Our team travels to communities as far north as Constance Lake First Nation, as far south as New Liskeard and as far east as Mattagami First Nation.